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Fiber for Hormone Health
Everything is interconnected. In life, nature, and our bodies; this common theme of connectedness is recurring. In the past we have discussed the connection between pelvic floor health and gut health, but did you know that there is also a connection between menopause and your gut health?!
Turning into You: finding your satiety and hunger
With all the starvation dieting trends dropping off and intuitive eating becoming more mainstream, you may be feeling even more confused. Take a moment to breathe and give yourself a hug. Breathe. It’s ok to find yourself again and learn to rebuild trust within yourself.
Defining Health
How one individual would define being in good health may vary from another individual. Having compassion for these individual differences allows you to stay focused on what health means to you, in your unique body.
Protein: More Than Fuel
There are many roles that protein plays in our body’s function and health; from supporting all chemical reactions in the body, regulating genetic expressions, supporting muscle development (including your pelvic floor!), regulating immune system, and hormone production
Hormones & Heart Health
February is heart month. All month we have our hearts on our minds with it being awareness month of cardiovascular disease and prevention, and with Valentines day in the middle of the month!
2024 Mindset Challenge
Get ready for it, take a nice big inhale, exhale that bullshit ‘cause we’re about to challenge the mindset of New Year, New You!
The Ultimate Support: Your Pelvic Floor
From gut health and fiber, to pooping and hormones, we are connecting the dots between lifestyle and nutritional choices, and the impact that they have on the pelvic floor. In this blog we are going to flip the script and focus on the impact that pelvic floor functioning has on the rest of our body!
Fall Fiber Changes
There are some great ways to incorporate amazing and delicious fall foods to support your gut bacteria, immune system, and your pelvic floor. Here’s why that’s important.
Demystifying all the BS: Health Fundamentals
We live in a world full of information being shared with us all of the time. From the news to our social media’s new feeds, there is A LOT of information about health, fad diets, latest trends, “super foods”, and more. This can all be so overwhelming, even as a professional.
The Sweet Stuff
From Halloween to New Years, the holiday season is often full of play foods that are .sweetened with sugar. When we connect sugar or artificial sweetener to pelvic health both can be seen as an irritant. An abundance of either refined sugars or artificial sweeteners can increase inflammation in the body, including in the pelvic muscles and bladder.
Let’s get to know your Pelvic Floor
And as a pelvis owner, you should know that... like your other parts, it has very specific functions in your body and conditions for those functions to work optimally.
How Long Does It Take to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor?
For stress incontinence and urge incontinence, a stronger pelvic floor could be exactly what you need to stay leak-free. But how do you strengthen a pelvic floor and how long does it take to strengthen pelvic floor muscles?
What Is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?
At V Lounge, we recommend that our patients consult with a pelvic floor physiotherapist to ensure they are a candidate for Emsella® treatments. Sometimes they ask us, what is physiotherapy and what happens at a pelvic floor physiotherapy appointment? In this post, we outline the basics of pelvic floor physiotherapy to help you understand why working with one can be a crucial step towards alleviating your pelvic floor woes.
Can Bladder Leakage Be a Sign of Other Issues?
Have you ever heard someone joke about peeing their pants when sneezing after they’d had a baby? Though we often hear about bladder leakage as something funny to laugh about, it can be a major problem that causes emotional pain, financial burden, and inconvenience for many. Bladder leakage and urinary incontinence are common, but that doesn’t mean it is normal or something we should just accept. Though in many cases bladder leakage is not harmful to your overall health, it could be a sign of other issues and is always something you should look into resolving.
Bladder Leakage and Pregnancy – What You Should Know
Morning sickness, food aversions, tiredness and… peeing your pants! Although a beautiful time in your life, pregnancy can’t always be described as fun. Though many symptoms of pregnancy are expected, like having to pee a lot, some pregnant people are surprised to experience bladder leakage too.
What Is Urinary Incontinence?
When you think of urinary incontinence does a complete loss of bladder control come to mind? You may be surprised to learn that leaking urine, even just a little when you cough, sneeze, laugh or jump is considered to be a urinary incontinence issue. There are many reasons why someone may begin to experience urinary incontinence but for many people, this symptom begins as they age or after a pregnancy.
How Does Emsella® Work?
When you are looking for support with urinary incontinence, bladder leakage, and overall vaginal health you have few options to choose from. Kegels, pelvic floor physiotherapy and vaginal rejuvenation are all common methods to improve vaginal health and sexual wellness, but thankfully, they aren’t your only option. Emsella® is the new kid on the block and you’ll want to know about this exciting pelvic floor therapy treatment option.