Pelvic Floor Remedies
If you’ve been experiencing bladder leakage when you sneeze, jump, laugh or cough, we want you to know that you don’t have to settle for the status quo. Many vagina owners find that after giving birth or simply through the gift of aging, vaginal changes happen. This can mean issues with urinary incontinence for some but for others can also include a loss of sexual wellness.
At V Lounge, we understand that you’ve been searching for a pelvic floor remedy that resolves your vaginal health concerns and helps you move through life with confidence. We want you to feel empowered and informed about your pelvic floor and vaginal well-being. We’ve collected resources that help you understand more about your pelvic floor and the pelvic floor remedy options available to you. Learn more about urinary incontinence treatment and see how life-changing regained continence can be.
Pelvic Floor Remedies & Continence Resources
All About Emsella®
Emsella® is the chair that everyone has been talking about, and for good reason too. Clinically proven and Health Canada approved to treat urinary incontinence, Emsella® gives you the boost you need to reconnect with your favourite things. See our About the Kegel Throne page to learn more about this life-changing urinary incontinence treatment and its sexy side effects.
Want to see for yourself how revagination works?Book your demo today and let us give you the rundown of Emsella® treatments. We can’t wait to help you regain your continence and live with confidence.
What They’re Saying
Urinary incontinence isn’t a hush-hush topic at V Lounge, and we aren’t shy about your sexual wellness either. We love hearing about how Emsella® treatments have been life-changing for our patients. From regained continence to the sexy side-effects, we’ve heard it all. If you’re contemplating revagination, you’ll want to hear from our amazing Emsella® graduates themselves. Read about our incredible Patient Journeys and learn how Emsella® has helped so many regain their continence and confidence.
Study participants report a 95% improvement in their quality of life!
Take a seat and learn how Emsella® can transform your pelvic floor and life. Book your demo today and take the first steps towards a more joyful, confident, and care-free life. We can’t wait to show you how revagination works.