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The Gut - Heart Connection
Let’s explore the connection between gut health and heart health. If you’ve been following along with us for a while now, you will not be surprised that we like to talk about all of the things that ripple from the health of the gut microbiome.
2025 has Begun!
The new year always brings similar messaging; hustle for your goals, push yourself to your limit, make all the changes! Now that we are a few weeks into January, I think we should all take a collective breath and reconnect with ourselves. Take a moment to check in with your body. This topic was on reconnecting with yourself, and the importance of being connected to your pelvic floor
The Stress Effect
This time of year can bring a lot of joy, and a lot of stress. In today’s blog post we are going to explore the connection between stress, the nervous system, and the pelvic floor. After we explore this connection, I hope to leave you with a few tips and tricks to put in your tool belt to help you navigate the holiday season!
Anti-What? Breaking down Antioxidants
These little superhero molecules play an important role on a cellular level throughout our bodies. Great… but what does that even mean when it comes to pelvic health and our body?!
The Scoop on Poop
Being aware of how your gut health is functioning is an important part of your whole body health, along with being an important part of your pelvic floor health. Being constipated, or having diarrhea on a regular bases puts additional strain, pressure, and stress on your pelvic floor.
Fiber for Hormone Health
Everything is interconnected. In life, nature, and our bodies; this common theme of connectedness is recurring. In the past we have discussed the connection between pelvic floor health and gut health, but did you know that there is also a connection between menopause and your gut health?!
Connecting the Dots
All these overlapping pillars influence how our body functions, including the pelvic floor. This is where we can start to connect the dots between our biology, psychology, sociology, and our pelvic floor. Our pelvic floor function is influenced by all these pillars, but also influences the pillars as well.
Turning into You: finding your satiety and hunger
With all the starvation dieting trends dropping off and intuitive eating becoming more mainstream, you may be feeling even more confused. Take a moment to breathe and give yourself a hug. Breathe. It’s ok to find yourself again and learn to rebuild trust within yourself.
Embracing Innovation as Part of your Pelvic Health Journey
There are so many amazing tools and providers out there that can help. But there’s also a lot of noise and conflicting information that just adds to the overwhelm. And doing nothing is definitely not gonna solve the problem. Pelvic floor issues don’t just go away with a hope or a wish or a prayer.
Beating the Heat pt 2
Summer is upon us, and mother earth has turned the temperature up, wayyy up…. as the body heats up, so do our cortisol levels. Cortisol is our body’s stress hormone; more stress = more cortisol. Hot conditions act as a stressor to the body, which responds by producing and secreting more cortisol.
Defining Health
How one individual would define being in good health may vary from another individual. Having compassion for these individual differences allows you to stay focused on what health means to you, in your unique body.