Alright friend, we need to talk.

Your check engine light is on & it’s time to listen!

Leaks and urgency may seem common, but that doesn’t mean they’re normal. It’s time for some serious TLC, your pelvic floor shouldn’t hold you back from living your life to the fullest.

What’s Next? Book a discovery call!

Pelvic floor issues don’t just go away on their own – so the sooner you can start showing them that love the sooner you’ll see changes!

Pelvic Floor Power Hack:

It’s time to take control! Good thing a little goes a long way in this case. Here’s a couple things to get you started:

Here’s a few things to help you stay on track:

✔ Stay hydrated! A happy pelvic floor and bladder is a hydrated one.

✔ If you’re in the habit of peeing ‘Just In Case’ try only going when you actually have to and letting your bladder fill up.

✔ Find ways to move your body – start with a walk, or yoga – something you like! 

✔ Unclench your bum! This will help release tension and relax your muscles.