You’re doing alright!

A little extra pelvic floor lovin’ wouldn’t hurt. Let’s make her stronger.

Let’s not pretend everything is totally peachy! Maybe you’ve started noticing a few UH OH moments creep in. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. A few small tweaks can go a long way 😉

What’s Next? Book a discovery call!

The sooner you take action, the quicker you’ll be feeling like yourself again. Bladder leaks don’t go away on their own and they def shouldn’t cramp your style – time to take control girl!

Pelvic Floor Power Hack:

Making too many big changes too soon is always a disaster waiting to happen. Let’s do this together, start slow and with an easy practice to get you started:

Did you know your diaphragm and your pelvic floor are connected? And just by changing your breathing you can get your core aligned and coordinated to support you better?

✔ Find a nice quiet place to sit. Breathe normally to start – inhaling and exhaling.

✔ When you’re ready, place a hand just under your rib cage. And keep breathing. On an inhale try directing air to your diaphragm by breathing into your rib cage.

·✔ You’ll want to feel your abdomen expand when you INHALE and deflate as you EXHALE.

You see these two systems co-contract and work as a team! So when they are working together your pelvic floor muscles are lengthening and then doing a little contraction.