Breathing for your Pelvic Floor

Let's dive into the world of breathwork! Just by learning how to breathe better you can bring awareness back into your pelvic floor, align with your core and begin the journey of feeling better! Keep reading for more juicy details!

Your secret weapon to a happier YOU!

What is Breathwork?

Diaphragmatic and Core Breathing techniques complement each other by promoting muscle coordination, enhancing support and stability, regulating intra-abdominal pressure, reducing stress, and fostering body awareness.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing, often referred to as "belly breathing" or "deep breathing," is a fundamental breathing technique that emphasizes the engagement of the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle located beneath the ribcage. It involves inhaling deeply and allowing the diaphragm to contract and move downward, expanding the abdomen as the lungs fill with air.

    This technique fosters a connection between the breath and the pelvic floor, as the diaphragm's movement during deep breaths gently massages and supports the pelvic floor muscles. Diaphragmatic breathing is crucial for maintaining pelvic health, as it aids in promoting muscle tone, flexibility, and overall well-being, reducing the risk of issues such as incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

  • Core breathing is a breathing technique that concentrates on synchronizing breath with the engagement of the body's core muscles. It involves drawing the breath deep into the abdomen while consciously activating the muscles of the core, including the diaphragm, transverse abdominis, and pelvic floor. Core breathing plays a vital role in pelvic health by fostering coordination between these muscle groups.

    This synchronization enhances the support and stability of the pelvic region, aiding in the prevention of issues like incontinence and maintaining the strength and function of the pelvic floor. Practicing core breathing also encourages body awareness, allowing individuals to better understand and care for their pelvic floor muscles, making it an essential component of pelvic health maintenance.

Inhale & Exhale like every breath counts.

Why is breathing important for pelvic health?

Breathing is crucial for your pelvic floor health because it's intricately connected to the functioning of these muscles.

Here's why breathing plays such a vital role:

  • Your pelvic floor muscles work in harmony with your diaphragm, which is the primary muscle responsible for breathing. When you breathe deeply and diaphragmatically, your diaphragm moves up and down, gently massaging your pelvic floor muscles. This motion helps maintain their tone and flexibility, promoting their overall health.

  • Your diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles work together to provide support and stability for your core and pelvic region. Proper coordination between these muscle groups is essential for maintaining pelvic floor strength and function.

  • When you engage in activities like lifting, laughing, or sneezing, you create intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). Proper breathing techniques help regulate this pressure. If you hold your breath or use shallow breaths during such activities, it can put excessive strain on your pelvic floor, potentially leading to issues like urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

  • Stress and anxiety can exacerbate pelvic floor problems, such as urinary incontinence. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which, in turn, can help alleviate or prevent pelvic floor issues.

  • Practicing mindful breathing can increase your awareness of your pelvic floor muscles. This awareness is essential for maintaining control over these muscles and recognizing when they need attention or exercise.

All the Details

What: Learning to breathe the right way can be a total game-changer for your pelvic floor. It’s something we do all day, every day, but let’s be real—most of us aren’t exactly breathing with our pelvic floors in mind. And yep, that sneaky little habit can impact how your pelvic floor does its job. Let’s fix that!

Location: your house, or anywhere you are!

Investment: $30.00

Meet Alison - Your Instructor

Alison is a mom of 3 and a passionate Pelvic Floor Fitness Professional. Her passion for the field stemmed from her own struggles with pelvic and bladder symptoms. She was able to enter remission with her holistic tool kit and she has dedicated her life to helping others find effective solutions to their pelvic and bladder symptoms.

This is for you if you want to…

Regain control of your bladder

Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

Realign your breath & connection

You deserve to thrive, not just survive.

"I want to thank you for creating an environment that was so comfortable I told you things I think I have never said out loud. I am excited about the progress made to date and am committed to the entire process."

A.A. 57