The Floor to your Core
We don’t just want to treat urinary incontinence. We want to rejuvenate your whole pelvic floor and how you think, feel and talk about it too. The more open we are about this not-so taboo topic, we’ll discover that we’re all going through the exact same thing.

Pelvic Muscles = Magical Muscles
Your pelvic floor is made up of a layer of skeletal muscles, and they attach from front to back and side to side. Think of it like a hammock that holds everything in place. OK, so it’s not magic per se, but the pelvic floor and everything it does is still pretty magical!
It’s responsible for supporting your body weight and entire core, including the upper abdomen, bladder, sexual organs, and bowel.
Serves as the constrictor mechanism to the urethra, rectum and vagina – it’s what helps you keep your grip (wink wink)! They contract to hold urine, gas, poop and then relax to release.
The relaxation and lengthening of the first layer of muscle allow for vaginal penetration, while the pelvic floor provides the rhythmic contractions needed to orgasm.
3 major functions of your pelvic floor:
Strength and Support
Strong pelvic floor muscles are what give you the ability to control your bladder and bowel. For the ladies, it’s also what helps you tighten your vaginal wall. For the fellas, it contributes to longer-lasting erections.
When pelvic muscles are weakened, those systems and organs are no longer fully supported, causing a cascade of symptoms, including incontinence, painful sex, pelvic organ prolapse, back pain.
We want to help restore the strength in your pelvic floor so it works more optimally for you.
Urinary Incontinence
50% of women with urinary incontinence don’t ever bother getting help.
Leaks, drips, dribbles or gushes – whatever you call them, they can be frustrating, embarrassing and downright annoying. Brought on by weakened pelvic floor muscles, there are a couple of different kinds;
Stress Incontinence: these are the leaks caused by force or strain, so coughing, sneezing, exercise, jumping, laughing too hard!
Urge Incontinence: that sudden gotta go, can’t wait, where’s the nearest bathroom before it’s too late kind of leaks.
Mixed Incontinence: a combination of both stress and urge incontinence. As if one wasn’t enough!
On average pads, special underwear, and diapers cost $700/year and up to $2,100/year if left untreated. This means a young mother can spend upwards of $50,000 in her lifetime just on supplies.
Love Your Parts
45% of women with urinary incontinence have reported a loss of intimacy.
Your sexual/reproductive organs and your bladder are part of the systems interconnected through your pelvic floor. When those muscles are working optimally, there are other benefits; you feel sexier and more confident! Not to mention having more comfortable and lubricated sex, multiple orgasms and a stronger connection to your partner.
It’s our goal to make sure your parts are working and that you love them all at every stage of your life.