Demystifying all the BS: Health Fundamentals

We live in a world full of information being shared with us all of the time. From the news to our social media’s new feeds, there is A LOT of information about health, fad diets, latest trends, “super foods”, and more. This can all be so overwhelming, even as a professional. This is why we have created our Health Fundamentals video series, short videos that give you some of the basic info you need to help make the best decisions for your unique individual body and life! You’re already actively participating in your pelvic and bladder health just by showing up and doing the work with Elle and us at V Lounge.

The Health Fundamentals series begins with Defining Health. We live in a society that is very focused on health on a communal and individualized level. If your health is something that you’re focused on, it is important to clearly define what health is for you. One universal truth about health, contrary to diet cultures beliefs, is that weight does not determine health. If this is a new idea for you, please pause and give yourself a big hug. For much of our lives we have likely been told that we need to be a certain weight to be healthy. These beliefs are not scientifically supported and based in racism that can be traced back to the early 1900s. Diving into that information can be saved for a future blog, but for today the important message is that health does not equate to a specific weight. In the first video, Defining Health, we will discuss the multitude of internal and external influences of health. With a non-diet approach, we bust some common health myths and refocus on non-weight related health parameters.

Next in the Health Fundamentals video series is another hot topic: movement. In this topic we will use our non-weight/diet filter again to discuss the mental and physical benefits of movement. We will also set the expectations of what a healthy relationship with movement looks like, which might be a bit different than you may think! Movement also plays a vital role in managing incontinence symptoms. Your pelvic floor supports your body through movement, it too moves in a dynamic way.

After we define health and movement for our bodies, we switch gears and focus on our Gut Health. In this video module we will discuss what the gut is and its primary functions. Closely connected to our gut health is our pelvic floor health as well, which we will also discuss. Not only will we discuss the function and gut-pelvis connection, but we will explore ways in which we can nourish and support our Gut.

Another important part of our health and Health Fundamentals video series is our hormones. In this video module we will begin by discussing how our hunger hormones regulate our appetite. This is a key component of how we make our nourishment food choices, and regulate our hunger, fullness, and satisfaction. This module also offers a brief review of how female hormones change throughout one’s life, and how to support the body with those changes. For a more in-depth, comprehensive insight into how female hormones change and how to support the body check out the What the Change? video workshop.

Also included in the Health Fundamentals video series is a discussion on Food Triggers. This topic outlines the difference between a true food allergy and a sensitivity and how what we consume sometimes irritates our bladder. We will also bring mindfulness to the nocebo effect that can cause physical reactions to foods, and some tips on tuning into your body’s unique preferences.

Lastly in the Health Fundamentals video series we will discuss Mindset and Stress Management. In this video module we will bring light to why our mindset matters, the importance of feeling the full human spectrum of emotions, and how to think with intention. We will finish with a discussion on the effects of stress, and some tools to put in your stress management toolbox.

Included with each video module will be reflection questions that can be used with curiosity to bring insight into your own views on health, movement, gut health, hormones, food triggers, mindset and stress management. This video series can change the way you view your own health, and that of those around you. To find out more about our Health Fundamentals video series, book a discovery call with our team.

Alexandra Chicoine, RHNP

Alex lives her life with a passion for helping others find what feels best for their body.She brings to the table a wealth of knowledge from her background education as a Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, special studies in Sports Nutrition, Women Are Not Small Men, Menopause Athletes, a BA in Sociology, and to round it out, she is also a "retired" spa therapist, Reiki Practitioner, and Reflexologist!

Alex believes the body is a complex ecosystem that requires a holistic approach from the inside out to health, healing, and wellness.

In her personal life you can find Alex spending time with her children, husband, and dog, moving her body by running and strength training, trying new recipes in the kitchen, or reading a health related book!


How I found out, the hard way, that I had a pelvic floor!


Happy Heart